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Careers - Mojo4x

Join the Mojo4x Team

At Mojo4x, we’re always looking for talented individuals to join our growing team. If you’re passionate about Forex, technology, and education, we want to hear from you! Explore our current openings below and take the first step toward an exciting career with us.

Forex Analyst


We’re looking for a skilled Forex analyst to help our clients navigate the markets. You should have a deep understanding of technical and fundamental analysis, along with the ability to communicate insights effectively.

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Trading Educator


As a Trading Educator, you will design and teach Forex trading courses to help our community grow their skills. You must have teaching experience and a deep understanding of Forex trading strategies.

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Software Developer


We’re seeking a Software Developer to help us build and improve our trading platforms. The ideal candidate will be skilled in web development and have experience working with APIs.

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Get in Touch

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