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Team - Mojo4x

Hassan Rehman - Founder & Chief Analyst at Mojo4x Our Team - Mojo4x

Meet the Mojo4x Team

Our team consists of passionate traders, educators, and tech experts who work relentlessly to provide you with the best Forex strategies, market analysis, and educational content to help you succeed in the Forex world.

Hassan Rehman Founder & Chief Analyst On Mojo4x

Hassan Rehman

Founder & Chief Analyst

With over 15 years in the Forex market, John is a master of technical analysis and market psychology. He has mentored hundreds of traders, empowering them to make smarter, more strategic decisions.

Jane Smith

Jane Smith

Co-Founder & Senior Trader

Jane is a seasoned trader with 10+ years of experience. She specializes in price action trading and has a strong passion for teaching and empowering traders to unlock their full potential.

Alex Johnson

Alex Johnson

Education & Training Lead

Alex is a Forex educator with a passion for creating in-depth Forex educational content that caters to both beginners and advanced traders. His courses have helped thousands of traders understand the markets.


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