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TSLA Elon Musk’s Wealth Pops to $384 Billion

It increased by $34 billion in October 2024 when Tesla shares had the biggest gain since May 2013 after reporting third-quarter earnings that

TSLA: Tesla share shut in on record high as Elon Musk’s wealth bulges to $384 billion
Key points:

TSLA: Tesla share shut in on record high as Elon Musk’s wealth bulges to $384 billion Key points

Key points:

  • Tesla zeros in on record high
  • The surge of pricing level lifts pump lifts market to a $1.3T mark.
  • Musk’s wealth swells to $384B

This year, Musk has brought his net worth to $155 billion. That is all more than $13 billion per month and $430 million per day or $18 million per hour.

  • Tesla stock TSLA should be near a lifetime high after rallying 3% to a new session high on Tuesday. The company reached its high for the year on November 4, 2021, with shares rising to $414.50 in intraday trade and ending at $409.97. The car manufacturer finished 1% lower yesterday at $400.99 a share after reaching a high of $409.11.
  • In retrospect, this year has been a highly unpredictable period for Tesla for one reason or the other. They presented poor sales and the shareholders pulled down the company to a 40% loss at the worst time. A few months later, Tesla pulled itself out of the slump and hovered a little before shooting up even more when Donald Trump won presidency. Now Musk is stuck with the President-elect and he is ready to rock on major efficiency agenda for the US government.
  • Even more than that, Tesla is forecasted, at least in the technology hub state of California, to meet a comparatively low bar when it concerns self-driving regulatory compliance. Donald Trump already started to clear the legal parameters for Tesla to go full throttle with cybercab and robovans aimed to hit the markets on 2025. And with that, Musk becomes the richest person in the world prio to the stakes falling by nearly $700 billion. In 2020 alone, Elon Musk saw his worth increase by $100 billion, and Musk has been busy in recent years accumulating Benz...

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